-----Tuleap <= 7.6-4 (register.php) PHP Object Injection Vulnerability-----------------------------------------------------------------[-] Software Links:https://www.tuleap.org/https://www.enalean.com/[-] Affected Versions:Version 7.6-4 and prior versions.[-] Vulnerability Description:The vulnerable code is located in the /src/www/project/register.php script:27. $request = HTTPRequest::instance();28.29. if (Config::get('sys_create_project_in_one_step')) {30. $router = new Project_OneStepCreation_OneStepCreationRouter(31. ProjectManager::instance(),32. new Project_CustomDescription_CustomDescriptionFactory(new Project_CustomDescription ...33. );34. $router->route($request);35. exit;36. }37.38. $current_step = $request->exist('current_step') ? $request->get('current_step') : 0;39. $data = $request->exist('data') ? unserialize($request->get('data')) : array();
Unauthenticated SQL Injection in Gogs repository search=======================================================Researcher: Timo Schmid <tschmid@ernw.de>Description===========Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service written inGo. (taken from [1])It is very similiar to the github hosting plattform. Multiple users cancreatemultiple repositories and share code with others with the git versioncontrolsystem. Repositories can be marked as public or private to preventaccess from unauthorized users.Gogs provides an api view to give javascript code the possibility tosearch forexisting repositories in the system. This view is accessible at/api/v1/repos/search?q=<search query>.The q Parameter of this view is vulnerable to SQL injection.
XSS in Gogs Markdown Renderer=============================Researcher: Timo Schmid <tschmid@ernw.de>Description===========Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service written inGo. (taken from [1])It is very similiar to the github hosting plattform. Multiple users cancreatemultiple repositories and share code with others with the git versioncontrolsystem. Repositories can be marked as public or private to preventaccess from unauthorized users.Gogs provides two api views to transform markdown into HTML at the urls/api/v1/markdown and /api/v1/markdown/rawThe transformation is vulnerable to XSS.
Debian Security Advisory DSA-3076-1 security@debian.orghttp://www.debian.org/security/ Moritz MuehlenhoffNovember 25, 2014 http://www.debian.org/security/faq- ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------Package : wiresharkCVE ID : CVE-2014-8710 CVE-2014-8711 CVE-2014-8712 CVE-2014-8713 CVE-2014-8714Multiple vulnerabilities were discovered in the dissectors/parsers forSigComp UDVM, AMQP, NCP and TN5250, which could result in denial ofservice.For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed inversion 1.8.2-5wheezy13.For the upcoming stable distribution (jessie), these problems have beenfixed in version 1.12.1+g01b65bf-2.For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed inversion 1.12.1+g01b65bf-2.We recommend that you upgrade your wireshark packages.Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to applythese updates to your system and frequently asked questions can befound at: https://www.debian.org/security/Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org
Debian Security Advisory DSA-3077-1 security@debian.orghttp://www.debian.org/security/ Moritz MuehlenhoffNovember 26, 2014 http://www.debian.org/security/faq- ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------Package : openjdk-6CVE ID : CVE-2014-6457 CVE-2014-6502 CVE-2014-6504 CVE-2014-6506 CVE-2014-6511 CVE-2014-6512 CVE-2014-6517 CVE-2014-6519 CVE-2014-6531 CVE-2014-6558Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenJDK, animplementation of the Oracle Java platform, resulting in the executionof arbitrary code, information disclosure or denial of service.For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed inversion 6b33-1.13.5-2~deb7u1.We recommend that you upgrade your openjdk-6 packages.Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to applythese updates to your system and frequently asked questions can befound at: https://www.debian.org/security/Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org