Since November I have been releasing details on all vulnerabilities Ifound that I have not released before. This is the 33rd entry in theseries. This information is available in more detail on my blog at There you can find a reprothat triggered this issue in addition to the information below.If you find these releases useful, and would like to help me make timeto continue releasing this kind of information, you can make a donationin bitcoin to 183yyxa9s1s1f7JBpPHPmzQ346y91Rx5DX.Follow me on for daily browser bugs.MSIE 9 IEFRAME CMarkupPointer::MoveToGap use-after-free==============================
=========================(The fix and CVE number for this issue are not known)Synopsis--------A specially crafted web-page can trigger a use-after-free vulnerabilityin Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. The use appears to happen only oncealmost immediately after the free, which makes practical exploitationunlikely.Known affected software and attack vectors------------------------------------------* Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 An attacker would need to get a target user to open a specially crafted web-page. Disabling JavaScript should prevent an attacker from triggering the vulnerable code path.Details-------It appears there is an implementation bug in the `splitText` method of`CDATASection` (Text) objects in SVG. `splitText` should split a `Text`node into two `Text` nodes, by creating a new `Text` node and movingsome of the text data from the original node to the new node. Afterthis, each node contains a sub-string of the original text.The bug can be triggered by calling this method with zero as the indexargument on a `CDATASection` which contains some text. In this case, thecode will return a new `Text` node that contains the entire text but itdoes not remove the text from the original node. I am speculating thatthis causes an additional reference to the test data without increasingits reference counter. This failure to increase the reference countercan cause this reference counter to drop to zero before all referencesare destroyed.Time-line---------* Unknown date: This vulnerability was found through fuzzing.* 12 December 2012: This vulnerability was submitted to EIP.* 21 January 2013: This vulnerability was rejected by EIP.* Unknown date: This vulnerability was address by Microsoft.* 15 December 2016: Details of this vulnerability are released.Cheers,SkyLined
Since November I have been releasing details on all vulnerabilities Ifound that I have not released before. This is the 34th entry in theseries. This information is available in more detail on my blog at There you can find a reprothat triggered this issue in addition to the information below.If you find these releases useful, and would like to help me make timeto continue releasing this kind of information, you can make a donationin bitcoin to 183yyxa9s1s1f7JBpPHPmzQ346y91Rx5DX.Follow me on for daily browser bugs.MSIE 9 IEFRAME CView::EnsureSize use-after-free==============================
=================(MS13-021, CVE-2013-0090)Synopsis--------A specially crafted web-page can trigger a use-after-free vulnerabilityin Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. I did not investigate thisvulnerability thoroughly, so I cannot speculate on the potential impactor exploitability.Known affected software and attack vectors------------------------------------------* Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 An attacker would need to get a target user to open a specially crafted web-page. Disabling JavaScript should prevent an attacker from triggering the vulnerable code path.Details-------This bug was found back when I had very little knowledge and tools to doanalysis on use-after-free bugs, so I have no details to share. ZDIrevealed that this was a use-after-free vulnerability in their advisoryat* Sometime in October 2012: This vulnerability was found through fuzzing.* 29 October 2012: This vulnerability was submitted to EIP.* 27 November 2013: This vulnerability was rejected by EIP.* 14 January 2013: This vulnerability was submitted to ZDI.* 6 February 2013: This vulnerability was acquired by ZDI.* 13 February 2013: This vulnerability was disclosed to Microsoft by ZDI.* 29 May 2013: This vulnerability was address by Microsoft in MS13-021.* 14 December 2016: Details of this vulnerability are released.Cheers,SkyLined
Description of the potential vulnerability:Lack of appropriate exception handling in some receivers of the Telecom application allows attackers crash the system easily resulting in a possible DoS attackAffected versions: L(5.0/5.1), M(6.0)Disclosure status: Privately disclosed.The patch prevents system crashes by handling unexpected exceptions.Fix:, SVE-2016-7120, and SVE-2016-7121: Possible Privilege Escalation in telecomSincerely,Ant-financial Light-Year Security Lab