2015 m. kovo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Path traversal vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) MIB Browser

Path traversal vulnerability in EMC M&R (Watch4net) MIB Browser
Han Sahin, November 2014

A path traversal vulnerability was found in EMC M&R (Watch4net) MIB
Browser. This vulnerability allows an attacker to access sensitive files
containing configuration data, passwords, database records, log data,
source code, and program scripts and binaries.

Affected products
EMC reports that the following products are affected by this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) versions prior 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM versions prior to 3.6.1

See also
- CVE-2015-0516
- ESA-2015-004: EMC M&R (Watch4Net) Multiple Vulnerabilities

EMC released the following updated versions that resolve this

- EMC M&R (Watch4Net) 6.5u1
- EMC ViPR SRM 3.6.1

Registered customers can download upgraded software from support.emc.com
at https://support.emc.com/downloads/34247_ViPR-SRM.


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