2015 m. kovo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Source code disclosure of Websense Triton JSP files via double quote character

Source code disclosure of Websense Triton JSP files via double quote
Han Sahin, September 2014

Websense Triton is affected by a source code disclosure vulnerability.
By appending a double quote character after JSP URLs, Websense will
return the source code of the JSP instead of executing the JSP. An
attacker can use this issue to inspect parts of Websense's source code
in order to gain more knowledge about Websense's internals.

Tested versions
This issue was discovered on Websense Triton v7.8.3 and Websense
appliance modules V-Series v7.7. Other versions may be affected as well.

Websense released hotfix 02 for Websense Triton v7.8.4 in which this
issue is fixed. More information about this hotfix can be found at the
following location:

This issue is resolved in TRITON APX Version 8.0. More information about
the fixed can be found at the following location:


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