2015 m. gegužės 18 d., pirmadienis

44CON London CFP Open

44CON London is the UK's largest combined annual Security Conference and Training event. Taking place on the evening of the 9th and all day on the 10th and 11th of September at the ILEC Conference Centre near Earls Court, London, we will have a fully dedicated conference facility, including secure wi-fi with high bandwidth Internet access, catering, private bar and daily Gin O’Clock break.

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  Taking the fifth out of | 9th - 11th September 2015
security snake oil vendors | ILEC Conference Centre, London

         -=- London's Premier Security Event -=-

]-- 44CON London 2015 Call For Papers

Site: http://44con.com/
Full CFP info: http://44con.com/cfp2015/
CFP Registration: https://cfp.44con.com/
Tickets *available now*: http://shop.44con.com/

44CON London will comprise of two main presentation tracks, one workshop track. The Hidden track is run under the Chatham House Rule and we’re not going to tell you about that but you can submit suitable talks for it.

Technical and Infosec Professional presentations & workshops will be accepted. Presentations are 45 minutes long with 5 minutes for Q&A. Workshops are of flexible length with a minimum of 60 minutes including setup/breakdown time.

* A presentation on the main tracks is in front of a seated audience.
* A presentation on the Mixed/Workshop track can be more interactive/informal and is with a smaller audience.
* A Workshop is like a mini training course - e.g. take a single executable and show a walkthrough on IDA Pro. Follow through a scenario based workshop e.g an incident response from a management and technical view with the audience etc.

This is NOT a call for training. Training takes place the 7th/8th/9th/14th/15th September and details of the 2015 training courses are due to be announced shortly.

]-- Submissions

Submissions should be sent via the CFP website https://cfp.44con.com/ which has been available for entries from the 23rd March 2015. Submissions sent via email will not be accepted.

In particular, we are looking for original talks of the highest quality in the following (but not exclusive) areas:

* Offensive and Defensive Technologies and Techniques
* Bugs and Reverse Engineering (finding and fixing)
* Incident Handling, Forensics and Anti-Forensics
* Cloud Computing and Virtualisation Security
* Owning the Enterprise
* Online Economy
* Internet of Things
* Client Side Security
* Embedded/Hardware Hacking
* Application Security (including mobile and embedded)
* Networking and Comms
* Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)
* Layer 8 - Humans

Note: this is not an exhaustive list. If you have a good talk proposal, please let us know.

Priority is generally given to new presentations over those presented elsewhere. If you have a presentation that you have or will give elsewhere prior to 44CON London and wish to submit, please let us know in your submission, and inform us of the changes you intend to make for 44CON London.

If your talk or workshop is new, please let us know the details of other conference(s) to which you have or intend to submit.

New talks tend to score higher than repeat talks in the CFP review stage but this is not a hard and fast rule. If you plan to repeat a talk less than 6 months after 44CON London, please let us know.

]-- Selection Committee

There are 15 reviewers in total on the committee, the following have chosen to be recognised:

- Nick Barron (former Columnist, SC Magazine UK)
- Phil Huggins (VP Stroz Friedberg)
- Andrew Cunnington (BAT)
- Steve Lord (legit_driver.sys, your laptop)

]-- Speaker Privileges

Speakers at 44CON London will be entitled to the following:

* Paid travel (for the main presenter only if more than one)
* 2-3 nights accommodation (see below)
* Breakfast & Lunch during conference
* Pre & Post Conference Party Invite
* Exclusive 44CON London apparel
* Love and TLC from our awesome™ speaker ops team
* Press Access (for those that want it)
* Fun and Frolics (and good coffee and some alcohol if you want it)

We welcome speakers of all genders, origins and physical abilities. If you have any particular requirements please let us know so we can accommodate them. Talks are to be delivered in English, only. Partners are welcome to come along and we’re happy to help arrange for tourist things for you and your partners to do while in London - Please let us know should you want to do this.

]-- Summary of Speaker / Presenter Privileges

Accepted primary presentation speakers get the following:

* Event access for both days and the pre/post event parties.
* 2 nights of accommodation for the main presenter (normally the Wednesday and Thursday nights).
* We will pay for your flight / train.

Accepted primary presentation speakers with a workshop get the following:

* Event access for both days and the pre/post event parties.
* 3 nights of accommodation for the main presenter (Wednesday/Thursday/Friday).
* We will pay for your flight / train.

Accepted workshop facilitators without an accompanying presentation get the following:

* Event access for both days and the pre/post event parties.
* No accommodation nor travel is covered.

In 2014 we flew speakers from Finland, Canada, Japan, Germany, the USA and more.

]-- Submissions process

Submit your CFP response at the CFP Site https://cfp.44con.com/. Submissions must be in English only.

Please do not email submissions - they will not be accepted.

If you are submitting a workshop proposal, please provide details of attendee requirements such as minimum technical knowledge, hardware/software required etc.

]-- Important dates

* CFP Opens Monday 23rd March
* For entry into the first round selection submit by 23:59 UTC 6th June
* First Selection round announced Monday 15th June
* Final CFP Deadline: Sunday 5th July, 23:59 UTC
* Final Speaker announcements: Monday 20th July
* Speaker flight details to be submitted by 28th August
* Papers/Tools/Presentation Submission Deadline: Friday 4th September
* 44CON London Training: 7th/8th/9th/14th/15th September
* 44CON London Conference: 9th, 10th and 11th September

]-- Other Information

To find out more about 44CON London visit http://44con.com/, follow us on twitter @44con, or use the #44con hashtag and take part in the discussion on Twitter.

Tickets are available now from the main web site at http://shop.44con.com/. For an idea of what to expect, watch some videos from previous 44CON Events at https://vimeo.com/44con.

By agreeing to speak at 44CON London you are granting Sense/Net Ltd (owners of 44CON London) the rights to reproduce and distribute your presentation and recording (unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance of the event) including but not limited tohttp://44con.com/, advertisements in various mediums and through partner sites and mediums. If you are not comfortable with this arrangement then this must be agreed with us in writing prior to the event.

It is imperative that, once you have agreed to speak at 44CON London, you regularly monitor your nominated e-mail account, so that we can complete the necessary supporting activities such as booking flights, accommodation etc. Failure to to take reasonable steps to support us in minimising costs in these areas may result in your talk being withdrawn.

We provide professionally produced videos of 44CON London presentations for attendees to purchase on our streaming site at https://vimeo.com/44con/vod_pages. Please advise us as early as possible in advance of the conference if your presentation cannot be recorded for any reason.

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