2017 m. sausio 9 d., pirmadienis

[ERPSCAN-16-029] SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA - deserialization of untrusted user value

Application: SAP EP-RUNTIME component

Versions Affected: SAP EP-RUNTIME 7.5

Vendor URL: http://SAP.com

Bugs: Denial of Service

Sent: 22.04.2016

Reported: 23.04.2016

Vendor response: 23.04.2016

Date of Public Advisory: 12.07.2016

Reference: SAP Security Note  2315788

Author:  Mathieu Geli (ERPScan)



Title: [ERPSCAN-16-029] SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA – deserialization of
untrusted user value

Advisory ID: [ERPSCAN-16-029]

Risk: High

Advisory URL: https://erpscan.com/advisories/erpscan-16-029-sap-netweaver-java-7-5-deserialization-untrusted-user-value-trustmanagementservlet/

Date published: 12.17.2016

Vendors contacted: SAP


Class: Denial of Service

Impact: DoS

Remotely Exploitable: Yes

Locally Exploitable: No

CVSS Information

CVSS Base Score v3:  4.9  / 10

CVSS Base Vector:

AV : Attack Vector (Related exploit range) Network (N)

AC : Attack Complexity (Required attack complexity) Low (L)

PR : Privileges Required (Level of privileges needed to exploit) High (H)

UI : User Interaction (Required user participation) None (N)

S : Scope (Change in scope due to impact caused to components beyond
the vulnerable component) Unchanged (U)

C : Impact to Confidentiality None (N)

I : Impact to Integrity None (N)

A : Impact to Availability High (H)


An attacker can use a special HTTP request in order to force a server
to deserialize evil objects, which results in denial of service.


SAP EP-RUNTIME component


To correct this vulnerability, install SAP Security Note  2315788


Mathieu Geli (ERPScan)



Evil object in 'serial.cc3' as an attachment in this bug entry. It was
generated with ysoserial framework, if the commons.collections jar was
in the CLASSPATH we will have direct RCE.

Now, we can only send DoS payloads that will trigger OutOfMemory
exception on 7.5. Payload for that as attachment named 'serial.mem'.

curl -v -XPOST --user 'user:password'

This request will trigger a series of exceptions in server's log.

The DoS payload will render the server unstable for some minutes with
following exception:

Server process shutting down with exit code [666] memory allocation
error [OutOfMemoryError]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
(failed to allocate 8589934576 bytes) (array length 2147483639)


Sent: 22.04.2016

Reported: 23.04.2016

Vendor response: 23.04.2016

Date of Public Advisory: 12.07.2016



10. ABOUT ERPScan Research

ERPScan research team specializes in vulnerability research and
analysis of critical enterprise applications. It was acknowledged
multiple times by the largest software vendors like SAP, Oracle,
Microsoft, IBM, VMware, HP for discovering more than 400
vulnerabilities in their solutions (200 of them just in SAP!).

ERPScan researchers are proud of discovering new types of
vulnerabilities (TOP 10 Web Hacking Techniques 2012) and of the "The
Best Server-Side Bug" nomination at BlackHat 2013.

ERPScan experts participated as speakers, presenters, and trainers at
60+ prime international security conferences in 25+ countries across
the continents ( e.g. BlackHat, RSA, HITB) and conducted private
trainings for several Fortune 2000 companies.

ERPScan researchers carry out the EAS-SEC project that is focused on
enterprise application security awareness by issuing annual SAP
security researches.

ERPScan experts were interviewed in specialized infosec resources and
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Chinabyte, etc.

Our team consists of highly-qualified researchers, specialized in
various fields of cybersecurity (from web application to ICS/SCADA
systems), gathering their experience to conduct the best SAP security


ERPScan is the most respected and credible Business Application
Cybersecurity provider. Founded in 2010, the company operates globally
and enables large Oil and Gas, Financial, Retail and other
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Solution providers” and distinguished by 30+ other awards, ERPScan is
the leading SAP SE partner in discovering and resolving security
vulnerabilities. ERPScan consultants work with SAP SE in Walldorf to
assist in improving the security of their latest solutions.

ERPScan’s primary mission is to close the gap between technical and
business security, and provide solutions for CISO's to evaluate and
secure SAP and Oracle ERP systems and business-critical applications
from both cyberattacks and internal fraud. As a rule, our clients are
large enterprises, Fortune 2000 companies and MSPs, whose requirements
are to actively monitor and manage security of vast SAP and Oracle
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We ‘follow the sun’ and have two hubs, located in Palo Alto and
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and to operate local offices and partner network spanning 20+
countries around the globe.

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